Kirsten and I have a magical conversation about how to get in the flow of magic and joy.
A pre-school teacher, Kirsten leads fairy walks to help adults and children reconnect with our senses so that we can perceive and receive life energy from the more-than-human world.
We talk about Kirsten’s first mystical experience which happened while working at a college prep farm school in the Midwest.
There she had a vision of herself living and being sustained by three regions, the Midwest -her roots; the Bay Area for wizarding; and North Carolina for jigging and living in her heart.
It was fascinating to watch Kirsten stop in mid sentence and consult her inner wisdom, which she also calls her Inner Child.
Kirsten says any part of us can lead but to choose consciously which part we want to lead. For example, the mind can lead the chi (your life force energy), but the body can lead the mind.
Since both of us have a lot of Virgo energy and naturally lean toward quick mind, Kirsten says she turns toward the body, outdoors, and trees to slow down and ground.
Kirsten pointed out that many women emerge in mid-life with new interests and talents, and we drop the “should” and allow ourselves to listen to our “Highest guidance” and trust the instinct to play.
If you would like to tap into your inner child magical joy, Kirsten recommends you start with the following:
Play with children
Watch loving mother child interactions (could be a YouTube animal kingdom video)
Focus on your feet, especially wiggling your toes
Get outside!
You can find out more about Kirsten’s fairy walks and multidimensional healing services at
Amanda Aminata [00:00:02]:
Hey, everybody. It's Dominique. Hey, everybody. Welcome to the mother tree network podcast. It's army not to soul plant Walker Fire woman, and I'm so excited to be here with my special guest today, my friend. Kirsten Bull. And you'll see her full bio in the show notes, but just so that you know, Kirsten for me is an sturtinary human being. She is so open and porous and and willing to engage with scene and unseen and to really honor her inner authority and and and just be herself, just be authentic with people. So which I think is such a form of leadership. You know, it just, like, gives people around you permission to be who they are. So Kirsten Bull. Thank you, and welcome to the Mother Tree Network.
Kirsten Bohl [00:00:57]:
Thank you. I'm happy to be here.
Amanda Aminata [00:00:59]:
Yeah. So we started the show by asking the same question. And so to you, I asked, what's good?
Kirsten Bohl [00:01:08]:
Oh my gosh. Though what comes to my mind is the sky is blue today where I am. I'm in I'm in North Carolina in Central North Carolina. We're we're at the the center of spring, and it's it's beautiful. The green has filled in and the sky is a clear blue today.
Amanda Aminata [00:01:31]:
It's beautiful. And you said North Carolina.
Kirsten Bohl [00:01:34]:
Amanda Aminata [00:01:35]:
Yeah. Yeah. So and in the center of Spring. So for you, What does that feel like in your body? You know, when you are in the center of spring and the green has filled in, around you?
Kirsten Bohl [00:01:50]:
Yes. A lot of joyful energy coming up and out and also of the sense of being held and cocooned at the same time. For example, going for a walk in the woods at the creek near where I live. There's that sense of the archway, the canopy, and just the enjoyment of that.
Amanda Aminata [00:02:17]:
Before we started this call, you had said something about trees and how you Adjusted yourself. You, like, gave yourself a chiropractic adjustment in working with some trees. Can you tell us that story?
Kirsten Bohl [00:02:31]:
Sure. when I was living in rural Southeastern Ohio several years back, it was a little ways to get to the chiropractor, little ways to get to the the big town with the the doctors in them. And I would go for walks in the woods and I would think, gee, wouldn't it be nice if I could just adjust myself right now? And my experience at the time was the trees kindly beckoned me over and began showing me how to hold my body where to lean with how much force to lean. And lo and behold, Didn't always work, but a lot of the time, I felt a lot better, and I wasn't just walking. I was also I guess my phrase for it is tree stretching. I was also stretching myself out. And once in a while, there would be a satisfying crackle and pop, and I would think, oh, yeah. That feels good. That's better now. And I would keep walking. So I felt a lot of gratitude toward those trees. I have to write down that phrase. Tree stretching. I love that. Yep.
Amanda Aminata [00:03:48]:
And I love how you said so you weren't just walking. So you you you you added this thing into your walk.
Kirsten Bohl [00:03:54]:
Amanda Aminata [00:03:56]:
But wait. Before you added it in, though, you said you felt the trees beckoning you?
Kirsten Bohl [00:04:03]:
Sure. I mean, there's infinite layers, right, of life available to us wherever we go however we are in the world. And so the more I go into the center of life of my life span in this body, the more I just appreciate what is available. So there's just so many different ways to tap into that life energy, and that was just one of them that day.
Amanda Aminata [00:04:35]:
Wow. So for you that's tapping into life energy,
Kirsten Bohl [00:04:39]:
Yes. And celebrating celebrating with nature because we're part of it. We're not separate. You know? It's part of who we are. We're part of planet that we're not separate from the planet.
Amanda Aminata [00:04:53]:
Mhmm. Mhmm. Mhmm. So interesting because I had someone on the show Elspeth doctor Elspeth Muthin. She was talking about life force. Oh. You know, how we all have life force. Yeah. And she was describing a a a motor connection where she said with anything that breathes, You can so it could be a person. It could I said it could be a tree. It could be a dog. You can you know, come into a heart space with them and just breathe. Mhmm. Just consciously breathe out and breathe in and, you know, with the with an animal a person, you can feel their tummy move maybe with you as you breathe in and out. Yes. So I guess it just makes just so. You just open that up for me when you said it depends on when you tap into that life energy. Mhmm. You can perceive and hear -- Mhmm. -- different things.
Kirsten Bohl [00:05:54]:
Yes. And I think some people use they use different senses. Right? Some people feel it with their sense of touch and some people see it with their eyes and some people sense it with their bodies, how their own body moves or physical sensations on their body of heat or cold or touch and others, you know, smell and taste or or just a sense of knowing or some people hear words or music. Some people receive songs. I know I've heard you share some of those with the communities that you're a part of So it's just, again, different people experience that relationship with other living beings in lots of different ways.
Amanda Aminata [00:06:50]:
And I know you work with small children like preschool age kids, and So part I I felt myself feeling a little emotional when you said that because -- Yeah. -- sometimes it takes recovery to go back to experiencing those things that you said. which made me think of small children and how maybe they have easier access to it?
Kirsten Bohl [00:07:11]:
Yes. I like to lead what what I've learned to call fairy walks with children in the woods. Why? Because children immediately know what you're talking about. They don't need an explanation. 2, because it invites the adults to come with their sense of magic intact or the permission to reenter that sense of magic. And I don't care if you call it magic or awareness of life force energy or just playing and having fun. To me, it's pretty much the same thing. And I just enjoyed being in that space with children. Now what was your question again? Your question was Do they have easier access to? Do they have easier access? I've yet to meet a child who doesn't. I imagine if there were enough life experiences stacked up in the way of that, they might temporarily lose access. I was telling a story to a friend of mine this morning in preparation for being with you about a child at the school where I teach this week who was acting out, and I was pulling in my magic tool bag and you know, holding up this child had made an a a jellyfish out of hardboard and yarn. There was also a small plastic fox near us. This child was standing. I was kneeling. The fox was at the level of my ear on a shelf. and I was bringing into the conversation what the jellyfish had to say to him and what the fox had to say. And he 3, and he looked me in the eye and said things like, oh, jellyfish, whether they're in the ocean or something I made, they can't talk. boxes can't talk. And I said, well, this one can. Well, I can hear it. Should I tell you what it says? And so I don't know you know, where his process is, but he did earlier this week. We were all at the climbing tree. So imagine 10, three to five year olds all climbing at once, a very large tree, and you're saying things like Watch where your feet are. Someone else's head is near your do you have enough space around your body? Do you know where you are? Things like that. And so there's a lot of activity. and it was time to leave the tree and do something else. And I usually would say something like, it's you know, say goodbye. to the ponies we're leaving now, where it's on a farm, you know, say goodbye to the tree if you want to. And on that day, I watched the same child lean in and kiss the tree before we left it. So when the same child later in the week was My parents would have called it being a grump was being a grump and was informing me that jellyfish can't talk, and foxes can't talk. I thought Yeah. But I saw you kiss the tree. So -- Yeah. It's alright. I saw you kiss the tree. So So some moments, we can all access it better than others. And even our feelings, just how we're feeling in the moment, Mike. might make it easier or harder. I forget your question, but there we are. No. There we are. Yeah.
Amanda Aminata [00:10:34]:
Yeah. The question is a little bit of a Pointer on the journey. Yeah. Yeah. Why? You're just talking about that that child kissing the tree made me think of when I was up in the mountains, they had a a cluster of one tree that had three 3 trunks. Mhmm. You know? We called it the 3 sisters. That tree has gotten lots of kisses. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah. When you were growing up, did you do that? Did you kiss trees?
Kirsten Bohl [00:11:11]:
or a hub tree. But but I did I did love the moss in our front yard. My father detested it because he viewed it as a sign of failure as a lawn keeper, but I would I loved it because it was so soft and comforting, and I would lie down on it, and I would walk on it barefoot. Also in the backyard, there was a birch tree, you know, with the the flaky bark, the white silvery bark, and I would climb it and the game was my mother would usually be the one watching out the back window, and I would climb just a little bit higher or go a little further out on a branch than either I or I knew she was comfortable with just to see that I could and not but not far enough that she would come out and tell me to come down. Not far enough that she would intervene, but just enough to kind of prove to myself that I could go a little bit higher or a little bit further out on that branch. So I spent some time in that tree. The birch tree. The birch tree. Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
Amanda Aminata [00:12:13]:
Yeah. There's something about moss. Yes. I agree with you. I was lying on a lot of moss when I was in North Georgia too. So -- Yes. Oh my god. It does feel good. It does. And there's so many different kinds.
Kirsten Bohl [00:12:26]:
And we you know, if you've never spent time with it, you think it's all one thing, but it seems it seems no. There's a lot more there. I don't know a lot yet about MOS, but I'd like to learn more.
Amanda Aminata [00:12:41]:
Kirsten Bohl [00:12:42]:
I think that's the way of life, isn't it? Like, there's more than one kind. The more the closer you are to it, the more you realize there's variety there? Yes. You asked about what does it feel like to be in the center of spring? Green is my favorite color and has been since I was a child, and at this time of year, particularly where I live, there are so many colors of green. Yes. There are so many colors green. There are so many colors of green. There are so many colors of green. I just it's just so amazing.
Amanda Aminata [00:13:13]:
Yeah. It's just a poem by itself. It is. So many colors agreed. Yes. Wow. So true. Yeah. What do you think what do you think it does to you? when you look out and you see a lot of green. Like, what do you different colors of green, but when what you see is a lot of green as opposed to, let's say, a lot of buildings. It makes my heart lift up. I mean, that was a very easy answer. Yeah. Mhmm.
Kirsten Bohl [00:13:46]:
And it makes me want to be tactile with the world. It makes me want to engage. Yes. Whether it's gardening or hugging that tree or walking and breathing, you know, it it makes me want to get into it it's a very invitational color for me.
Amanda Aminata [00:14:04]:
Yeah. So okay. So on the mother tree network podcast so we're we're, like, at the Intersection of spirituality, Earth wisdom, racial justice, and women's leadership. Yes. And I wonder how your can you specify, like, here you are today, feeling the invitation from the green and Yes. Working with small children and you're and but we both have evolved because we've talked about this before the show. So wonder if you could tell us a story about how you have evolved to be at this point where you feel so held. you know, and in the center of life and in the center of green. Like, you know what I mean? How'd it did you -- Yeah. Tell us a little story about that. How'd you -- Oh my gosh.
Kirsten Bohl [00:14:51]:
Well, as a warm up to that because I'm gonna need to let my subconscious play with that question. Yeah. I'm gonna answer what I thought you were gonna ask, which is sort of what do you make of the juxtaposition of the color green and women's leadership and racial justice work? So I'm gonna I'm gonna answer that and give my subconscious an is time to catch up to your other questions? Sounds good. Okay. So what I wanted to say was Olive Green, in Aurisoma. An Aurisoma is a system of practice in which color plays a part in one's soul journey. We'll just say that for the moment. Olive Green is the color of feminine leadership, and it's like, oh, live. And so that sense of being alive and also Sorry. Yeah. The screen settings changed. So let me let me blink and reorient. Okay. We're all still here. Okay. Here we are. No no worries. So the So olive green is very much about that sense of feminine in tuition and and women stepping forward at this moment in time. And for me, the the racial justice work and journey while not limited to working with and coming from a place of womanhood, working with other women, has certainly been centered there. So that was where I thought you were gonna go. But you were asking more about evolution. How have I come to be so held? I'm hearing one moment. So what what is one moment I could share? Well, one moment. Again, when I was living in rural Southeastern Ohio, working at a friends, boarding a day, high school, a college prep high school on a working farm. Think on that for a minute. I lived in an attic apartment in what used to be the girl's dorm, and there was a rocking chair there, a wooden rocking chair, and there was a day when I felt sort of a sense of a vision And it was sort of that was sort of a new moment for me. And since then, I mean, I can't count how many moments like that there have been. But at the time, it was sort of a new and fresh experience, and it was a felt experience of knowing and understanding that I was learning that there were 3 geographic areas that would be important to me in my life or at least 3 that I needed to know about for the time being. 1 was the Midwest, where I had grown up, and there was the sense of digging and roots. 1, and I was living also in the Midwest at the time. One was the sense of the the West Coast, the Bay Area, and it was like a wizard on a mountain top with a lightning bolt, and it was like wizarding. And it was like magic and sort of the sense of like trees on a hill. and I had never yet lived in the Bay Area, although it turned out that I was about to move there, and I didn't know that yet. And the 3rd and I'm still connected there. And the 3rd was North Carolina where I had lived before, and you noticed I lived there now, And that was if it was digging and wizarding, whizzing, the other one was jigging, like, dancing. And it was the image of, like, a family, like, mothers and children dancing around in a fire, like, a family fire circle. And in that moment, I understood that in this lifetime, I would continue to have connections in all three. And if you will, the Midwest is sort of the route The heart is North Carolina. That's where I would make my home. That is where I have made my home. And then there would be this extension of the branches up into the Bay Area, and I continue to be employed there part time and connected to that space and travel back and forth, and that somehow these were all part of who I was. So not not every moment that I would describe as guidance or vision was that clear, that complete, that comprehensive. What but when you've been told directly by spirit that you are connected with 3 geographic areas on the planet. You pay attention. and you feel held. So we'll just we'll stop with that. Wow.
Amanda Aminata [00:19:43]:
Yeah. Wow. And and before you told that story, you said I'm hearing one moment. Yes. So tell us about what it's like to hear a voice inside you, say one moment. Like, tell us about that. Sure.
Kirsten Bohl [00:19:59]:
So I believe that everyone has us to their own inner wisdom. You could call it the we could call it many things. Right now, inner child wants to be said. I've never called it that before, but let's call it that today because that's what's coming. And and it and it won't surprise you. Maybe I have called it that, and I didn't know I was calling it that because the the you're gonna ask me at the end of this broadcast, do I wanna plug my website? And it's inner child outside .com. And when I chose the domain, I thought I was talking about holding events in nature for small children to celebrate in community with their chosen adults, I've since come to understand that more than that, and this podcast live with you is helping me understand even more specifically that it's about helping grown ups adjacent to children often, not always, sort of reconnect with that spirit of joy and belonging. And so For me, it's about connecting with your inner wisdom, your inner core. You've used the phrase higher self. That also works. There are many different ways. When when I was a teenager looking at colleges, I remember sitting in the auditorium of Carpenter Hall at Earlham College, and Len Clark was the provost at the time, and he stood up. And I had never really heard about Quakers before and He started talking about awakening the inner teacher. So, you know, there's and I ended up going to Urlim and, you know, becoming friends with Lyn Clark and working there later. Anyway, But, like, heat so so the quakers have another way of talking about it. So it doesn't it doesn't matter to me what language you use, but it's For me, when I'm stuck, I've learned to stop or when I'm unclear and ask for guidance. I have another mentor who will say, you know, please give me the highest guidance available to me at the present moment. and I've sort of abbreviated that in my inner dialogue to highest guidance. Like because it there can be a lot of distracting guidance, like, what my stomach wants. may or may not be what my highest guidance is. What my, you know, wounded ten year old wants when I'm feeling really obstrepress or hurt by what someone has just said may or may not be my it may be, but it may not be. My stomach may be in that moment or may not be sort of the the highest. And so, you know, we're all composed of many parts and many elements and just the discipline is to ask to re center oneself continually. And then sometimes for me, words come because I've always been a worked person speaking them and hearing them. so it kind of wasn't surprising that I started to hear them because I've always been a word person. It was just different that they were coming to that channel. That was a long answer.
Amanda Aminata [00:23:09]:
I love that answer. I'm not timing you. You're you're amazing. I just wanna it's so funny when you said you're a word person because I'm a word per I'm a word person too. Yeah. And and so it does make sense that you would hear words, and maybe somebody else would see a picture or -- Yeah. My husband, he gets a lot of melodies because it's very audio. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Tell me something. I know you love puzzles. And for some reason, when you said I'm a word person, I thought, oh, yeah. And she loves puzzles.
Kirsten Bohl [00:23:42]:
So -- Thank you.
Amanda Aminata [00:23:45]:
What do you wanna say about puzzles? Thank you for that invitation.
Kirsten Bohl [00:23:49]:
What's coming immediately is I just visited my sister and brother-in-law and niece and our glorious exchange student, and my dad lives nearby in Ohio back to the roots in the Midwest. And my brother-in-law in honor of the visit together with my niece purchased, you've heard this story in a different context, some puzzles, some jigsaw puzzles. and they were of Highland cattle and my brother in law's from Scotland. And I just felt so held by that choice First of all, it was a difficult puzzle because the highland coup, as they say, are they're they're shaggy, and they're all in shades of tan and brown and black and, you know, the beautiful earth tones. And it was a snowy background. And so Not a lot of rainbow colors there for, you know, rainbow girl here. But mostly, it was the faith that he showed in me by sharing a part of himself and connecting with a part of who I was. So, apparently, that's what I wanted to say about puzzles.
Amanda Aminata [00:25:01]:
Yeah. But I think there's also something there about the mind.
Kirsten Bohl [00:25:05]:
Amanda Aminata [00:25:06]:
I find that puzzles this this is gonna relate to words somehow, everybody. So stay with us. Yes. I find that I'm a like, I have a very active mind. You know, I've asked mine, and I find that puzzles like something like that one you described. Yeah. That almost slows me down. It slows down the words maybe -- Yes. -- thoughts?
Kirsten Bohl [00:25:33]:
Say, what what's happening for you? I need to share that also I mean, it's pretty well documented that often when women get toward the middle of their lives, maybe in their forties, new abilities emerge, new parts of themselves emerge. This is a fairly common, like this rebirth, this run essence, this renaissance in the middle of life. And, you know, famous artists who are women sometimes start painting in the middle of their So, anyway, am I claiming to be a famous artist? No. But I am I do need to tell you that it surprised me I think it was it could have been my thirties or my forties when all of a sudden I started making visual art, and I hadn't done that since I was about 6 And I loved it, and it was connecting me to people in new ways. So And then during the shutdown of the pandemic, all of a sudden, little, tiny, little songs, 30 seconds long or so, start coming, and I started singing them into my phone. And I don't even have a phone that's meant for singing. It's complicated to use my intentionally, you know, retro style phone to capture. And here I was singing every day into my phone. So it's just fascinating to me how we really are our whole bodies and our whole brains even if we happen to excel in one part of it. my my my day job, what connects me beautifully to the Bay Area, is in math. And so people will often say, I'm not a math person. And I have a shirt that says I am a math person, so I've learned that all these distinctions our our fall's at one level. You know? We may have sort of a suit that we've been dealt, but we've it's also what we cultivated when we were and what we were surrounded with, and it's what we choose to enjoy. And so I'm very much in favor of the more modalities, the more you and I both share love of the arts and of the, you know, the performing arts of the different kinds and the appreciating arts and the arts of human beings and the art of nature. And I just the more different Modality is the better. And, yes, it's good for the brain, and it's good for the heart, and it's good for the soul. And, yes, it slows me down to work a puzzle, and it's good. It's restful. It's grounding. And one of the preschoolers this week who's very sensitive. She was sitting next to me at the picnic table they were doing They were painting. They were doing some bright colors and a lot was happening fast. And all of a sudden, I heard the words at my ear. Okay. My mind is off. Like, she just gave herself a break. She just turned up her mind. and I thought good. But a lot of adults forget, I didn't know how to do that in my twenties. And and the adults around me who were modeling it, you know, at that moment, were fond of, you know, the use of, quote, adult beverages. You know? They they said, Well, just go home and drink a beer. That'll do it. And I was like, I'm pretty sure that's not what I need to do. You go right ahead. That's okay with me. But that's not what my body wants. So it took a long time and gradually understanding that, you know, mindfulness practice or breathing or walking in the woods or tree stretching or working a jigsaw puzzle or on purpose signing up for a Tai Chi class and sticking with it even though I really wasn't good at it. Like, on purpose doing something I wasn't good at, so that I could spend an hour being sociable with very beautiful congenial human beings. And and I would let go of that need to be good at things, which had been holding me back among other subjects we could talk about. But, anyway so that I'm rambling around to yes. Puzzles are restful for me. And when you are somebody who has words flowing all the time, it's good to do things with that words. I mean, I'm grateful, though. Yes. It's good. It's good. Yes.
Amanda Aminata [00:29:55]:
Yes. And there's something about putting the pieces together. Yes. I think that's satisfying and and And that's something to watch you do in the moment as you you you start with what you know and gradually, the pieces come together. Yes. I kept
Kirsten Bohl [00:30:12]:
saying to my brother-in-law, you know, Russell, this is an extra size in impossibility because, you know, I would sit down every time that puzzle think, oh my goodness. There's no right. Never gonna make it. I can't do it. And then and then the sort of, like, the less I know, the better. The more I let go of it, the more I just pick up pieces and just let my hands move, kind of like we were doing right before this call where you just you don't try to play on the exercise that your body is doing. If you're on if you're just hearing this, you can't see it. But, like, my arms are moving. Like, you don't plan. You just flow with it. Yes. It went better. It went better that way. The not knowing helps. The letting go and letting the whatever it is. The guidance come through, the higher self come through, if the the body intelligence come through whatever it is in that moment. there's so much more to you than your thinking brain.
Amanda Aminata [00:31:12]:
Kirsten Bohl [00:31:13]:
no. That could that could be said again. There's so much more to you. than your thinking brain. Yes.
Amanda Aminata [00:31:20]:
It's you know, I'm work I'm working on my vision board right now. the day that we're recording this, it's April 21st. So we had a we had a a new moon the period of time zone on the 19th 20th, and we had an eclipse. And so, you know, That process is, like, just tapping into a flow. Yes. And, also, constantly saying to myself, it's okay if it's not perfect. Meaning, if I'm not perfectly in the flow because now that I wanna be in the flow, I wanna be perfectly
Kirsten Bohl [00:32:01]:
Yeah. It's tempting, but it doesn't work.
Amanda Aminata [00:32:04]:
Yeah. I it's all about letting go. Yeah. And letting go again and letting go of the idea of letting go. Yes.
Kirsten Bohl [00:32:13]:
Yes. And then there will be stretches of time or moments where you are in the flow and then celebrating them and extending them. I have a I have one friend who if I call her and she's not in the right head space to talk, I will get a voice mail 2 or 3 days later that will say something like, oh, Kirsten, when you called. I just wasn't my frequencies were off. I just couldn't And I just I I adore that way of of saying it, but how often have I returned a call when Oh, usually, it's my sister, and, usually, it was in my twenties when she would say, well, I can tell you don't wanna be talking me down. I'm like, well, you called me, and I'm calling you back.
Amanda Aminata [00:32:56]:
And why did that so many times in my twenties? What was the point? Okay. Patricia, I have to ask you this now because I've hit so many buttons that I have. I have to ask you. Do you have Virgo in your side astrological chart? Okay. Okay. I actually didn't know that for sure, but everything you said is so resonating over here. I am so like, well, I said I would do it, so I've gotta do it now. And, you know, And -- Yes. -- and not thinking about, well, what frequency am I on? And if I'm not on the it there is such a thing as trusting the process. And if it doesn't feel right now -- Yeah. -- it's gonna feel it can't I can't even get the words out Pearson. Yeah. I I don't understand. And it
Kirsten Bohl [00:33:42]:
the inverse is also true. And I had heard this for years, and I was skeptical. and then I started practicing it. You start with the feeling. You find the frequency first. and use this is your vision boarding in another form, and you visualize where you're headed or you get crystal clear about your intentions. and you find the feeling. This is the version of you stand in front of the mirror and you smile it yourself and you say, I love wearing purple socks. And by about the 6th or 7th day you're doing it, you're like, oh my gosh. I love wearing these purple socks. Wow. I just feel so happy wearing these purple hoodie lights. Where did that come from? Well, So that yes. There are lots of different things here. I've heard it said the mind leads the chi from one of my chi gong practitioners. So your mind can lead energy through your body, but also the body leads the mind. I mean if you put your body somewhere your mind is gonna go. I mean so any any part of us Right? Right before this call or was it earlier today? I was talking with someone about the elements, and there are different ways of talking about the elements. But one way is Earth water air fire, which can align with body, emotion, mind and spirit. There are so many ways, but that is one way. And so really any of those that you start with And some people would say those are all different worlds or channel, but any one can lead the other. They're all they're all connected. And I love Knowing that because then it gives me the freedom to say start with the feeling and then inhabit it or start with the body movement. and then get there or start with the belief that you want to hold and then shape yourself around it or start with the I don't know how you start with spirit. I'm not sure how to name that right now. But, anyway, I'm I'm now getting less grounded. So I feel like I'm starting to tap out of what I can share with you in this interview just to let you know.
Amanda Aminata [00:35:53]:
I'm I'm -- That's great. Yep. That's great. Why don't we take a take a moment here to have a word from our sponsor, and we'll come right back. So, Kirsten, I think that one of the things I would love for you to just if you have any advice for people on, like, to to tap into that magic, you know, that you spoke about when we first started the call, like, how to get back into the magic or touching onto that life. If you have anything to advise us about that,
Kirsten Bohl [00:36:30]:
For me, it would be be with a child and or be outside. and or tap into that mother child energy, and it could be an actual mother and child human divine in the animal kingdom, or it could be your relationship with mother earth. So that's how it works
Amanda Aminata [00:37:01]:
for me. Wait. When you say tap into mother child, you mean be around a mother and a child. Mhmm. Yes. Oh, interesting. And if you can't in the moment,
Kirsten Bohl [00:37:11]:
you might simply close your eyes and visualize or if you're at work, maybe there's a YouTube video of a nature channel with I happen to like fish you know, big fish, little fish, you know, what that would be one way. That would be one way. Thank you. Also paying attention to your feet can help if like me, you're a little shy or nervous sometimes about going there with the magic. sort of the being grounded, but also yeah. Just feeling it feeling it in your feet. So it could be bare feet outside, could be noticing the toes, each toe in your shoes. Again, you're in the middle of that work meeting. and you're wishing for a little playful joy. But paying attention to your feet. because they're underappreciated.
Amanda Aminata [00:38:10]:
Beautiful. And so simple.
Kirsten Bohl [00:38:13]:
Amanda Aminata [00:38:14]:
Well, is there anything that you want to leave our listeners with? Anything you wanna say about, you know, I don't know, fairies, walking, hugging trees.
Kirsten Bohl [00:38:27]:
Just thank you. Thank you for listening. It's nice to spend time with you, and maybe we'll get to do that again soon.
Amanda Aminata [00:38:36]:
somehow, some way. Would love to. So if people wanna follow you or get in touch with you, and I called you multidimensional. in one of the motions. Your multidimensional services, how would they how would they do that?
Kirsten Bohl [00:38:51]:
Inner child outside dotcom is my website, and there's an email address there. It's it's my name. It's Kirsten Bold,, and I'd love to hear from you. And Find a way to play.
Amanda Aminata [00:39:13]:
Beautiful. So inner child outside .com, first of all, amazing name. Thank you. It makes me wanna get outside -- Great. -- and and be with my inner child or be it's just Great. Great. Great play on words. So everybody, thank you for listening today. You know? Take a moment to get in the flow, wiggle your toes, or watch some fish mother each other. I love that. and and let us know. If you like this episode, please give us a review. Give us some stars on Apple Podcasts so other folks can find us. And we look forward to seeing you and hearing from you next time. Peace everybody.
Kirsten Bohl [00:39:58]: