Why I Shut Down for Six Months

core values guilt Jun 02, 2022

Imagine this:

It's April 2021.

I've gotten yet another email asking for advice on how to have a difficult conversation about racism.

Someone else has texted me asking if I'll facilitate a conversation between warring factions in a social justice organization.

Two voice mails still wait regarding private coaching.

Oh, yes, and the facilitator certification program needs me to teach.

And what about the women entrepreneurs who want me to offer a small group program?

And this was a manageable day.

I used to have two people reading and sorting my inbox.

An additional assistant focused on processed the speaking requests.

I was meeting with accountants, bookkeepers, interns, podcasters, artists, and change makers.

And mentoring, teaching, and parenting.

Finally in September 2021 I listened to my Deep Self and stopped.

Even though racial injustice persisted.

Even though people were hurting.

Even though the skills and perspective I brought to the conversation were sorely needed.

I stopped.

I took the last six months or so to focus on what I was really learning and feeling.

I did a lot of spiritual journeying with plants, land, waters and people.

I have discovered where I am excited and where I am done.

Now as I re-enter I have decided to do so with some explicit values to guide my yes and my no.

I don't want to be driven by guilt, urgency, or fear of being called out.

I am committed to being led by my Deep Self.

I am committed to listening to earth mama and taking the time to DIGEST what she is saying.

So, please consider identifying your values.

I'm sharing mine as examples.

These 5 core values have given me the courage and self-compassion to say no to loved ones, strangers, colleagues and people I want to help!

These core values, tell me how to spend my day and to accept when I've had enough.

They help me to fill my cup and give sufficient time to cultivate connection with earth mama.

My Core Values

Sustainability matters-– What we cannot sustain is not really ours to do or to give. Does this opportunity generate enough money and energy to sustain Dr. Amanda Kemp LLC and her partners? Does this timeline or pace allow for breath, rest, and renewal?

New Paradigm High Frequency Love is our destination and our way– Our purpose is to create a New Paradigm of abundance, Presence, and wholeness. We only engage in practices that raise the frequency of earth mama and her beings. Like the Elk, we keep moving forward with our purpose and in our frequency even when the Old Paradigm tries to distract us.

Follow the energy–We are like the monarch butterfly: We rely less on effort; instead we ride the currents moving toward our destination. If there is a lot of efforting, then we step back and look for where is the energy naturally or already flowing in ourselves and the community.

Take care of myself first– We say yes to self-care; slower pacing; and connections with earth mama first. We give from overflow and receive direction from our divine or Deep Self. We trust that if we decline, then the "right" person will show up. We accept other people's no's and build a culture of consent.

Face the Storm–We stay in the breath and body, and we root down when conflict arises. Like the buffalo, we are persistent, tough, and keep moving towards home even when people don’t agree with us or send negativity our way.

Want to see what this looks like in the real world?

You will find these values the way that I teach and mentor.

Check out our Transform your Conversations about Racism digital course.

You will find spaciousness and compassion alongside justice.

And, we are offering it at a 80% discount.


Transform your Conversations about Racism is for healers and feelers rooted in justice. You can be your beautiful empathetic self and have a strong voice!


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