Rambo and Talking with a 30 year veteran of police dept

Uncategorized Jul 28, 2019

Michael is watching Rambo as I write this . I'm trying to ignore it because I'm not a Sly fan, but it's hard to avoid the story. A green beret, suffering from PTSD, gets jumped on by a small town police force and fights back. It's frustrating because this entire town's police resources go into apprehending a man who they triggered into trauma, resulting in lots of killing for no good reason.

Imagine what would be possible if the police force was staffed by people who know how to de-escalate. What if peace officers actually knew how to create peace?

Well, meet Kerry Mensior, a 30 year veteran of the San Diego Police Department. He trains police and sheriff departments around the country on how to create strategic empathy and rapid rapport with people they are policing. Kerry says it's key to speak to people in the language they can hear which means all of us need to be fluent beyond what makes sense to us. I interviewed Kerry last week and wanted to share part one of our conversation with you.

Peace and love,


P.S.--Let me know your thoughts after you listen.



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