Do you want to stand for justice AND want to come from a place of compassion?
I'm sharing with you a short audio excerpt "How to Stop Judging People." It's a real and searching conversation by folks who stand for racial justice from the heart.
My own experience shows me that the pain of the hurt gets extended by judging. But that doesn't mean we can't set boundaries or say no to harm.
This is short and so good. Give a listen here.
If you'd like to talk through your judgements, and you have a Deep Calling to stand for Racial Justice, we invite you to apply for a FREE Racial Justice Breakthrough session.
This is your chance to get our 30+ years of experience on your problem. We help you to get "un-stuck" wherever it is you are feeling challenged so that you can take the next right step for you.
It can be hard to figure things out on your own.
Every so often I open up space in my schedule, and I've got 3 spots over the next two weeks. These are first come, first served.
Peace and love,